The purpose of the Sisterhood at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral is to provide a venue where its members can develop in Orthodox virtue through the labor of supporting and maintaining the holy temple of our Lord and God Jesus Christ. The sisterhood patron saints are the Holy Myrrh Bearing Women.
Currently the sisterhood is directed by the Head Sister who is supported by her assistant, secretary and treasurer.
Head Sister: Matushka Nina Lagodich
Assistant: Natalia Stelmachenko
Secretary: Matushka Alexandra Platonow
Treasurer: Olga Matveev
Among the responsibilities of the Sisterhood lies:
The upkeep of the clerical and temple vestments
Oversight of the maintenance in the temple and congregational areas
Managing the church Kiosk which supports the clergy efforts in the distribution
of spiritual literature and educational materials.
In order to procure the necessary funds for its projects, the Sisterhood engages in various funding raising activities, such as common meals on Sundays, sales, the annual bazaar and other activities. We provide for the maintenance of the church and church hall. Funds are also spent to upkeep the vestments for the clergy in the church (buying new vestments, sewing and dry cleaning). For Easter, the Twelve Major Feast Days and the Parish Feast Day the Sisterhood purchases flowers and decorates the church. Several times a year donations are sent to various monasteries and convents located in the Holy Land and Mexico.
The bazaar is the largest event held annually. It requires many hours of preparation and volunteers to make this event successful. We make and sell pelemeni, borsht, piroshki (fried and baked), and a variety of pastries. We invite everyone in our church community to help out.
All interested parties are encouraged to join the Sisterhood. The requirements are that you are a member of the parish and have a blessing of the Rector. Should you wish to enroll or have any questions, please contact:
Matushka Nina Lagodich:
Matushka Alexandra Metni: