Thanksgiving Service – On the occasion of completion of wall restoration, new roof and landscaping.
Sunday, October 4, 2015 at 12:30pm (Divine Liturgy at 10:00am)
The outdoor service will be followed by a reception in the parish hall.
July 5, July 19 and July 26.
Icons are one of the most distinctive features of Orthodoxy Christianity. Icons are described as a “theology in colour,”
a “window to the infinite,” an “image of the Kingdom.” From the earliest times Christians sought to complement the spoken
and written proclamation of the Gospel by means of images. For this purpose they initially adopted certain forms of Greco-Roman art, which soon evolved into a distinctive sacred art governed by its own rules, traditions and theology. Icons are an integral aspect of Orthodox personal prayer and the Orthodox liturgy.
This fall in Montreal a course will be offered as part of the Orthodox theology programme offered by the Montreal Instititute
of Orthodox Theology and the Université Laval (previously under the Université de Sherbrooke). There are no prerequisites and it is not necessary to intend to follow the entire certificate programme to take the course. The instruction will be in English.
For more information please contact: (Or you may inquire directly via Fr George Lagodich or Alexander Schelechoff)
Dr Paul Ladouceur
Faculty of Divinity, Trinity College,
University of Toronto.
Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses,
Université Laval.
The Sisterhood is now accepting your donations for the annual bazaar. (Please no clothing for this bazaar)
We are asking our parish bakers for donations in baked goods or jams-preserves
For more information, please contact:
Mat. Nina :514-725-0060
Mat. Sasha: 514-421-2473
ATTENTION ! Vérifiez la cartes pour les rues fermées- check map for closed streets !

Many thanks to all the men who helped serve at the Sisterhood Feast Day!
Until we meet again next year.

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Toronto
Children's Choir “Trinity Nightingales” April 26, 2015
St. Nicholas Cathedral
422 St. Joseph Blvd. West
Montreal, QC H2V 2P5
Artistic director
Maria Bahvalova
Leah Entel

St. Herman Youth Conference 2014
The annual St. Herman Youth Conference will take place December 23-27, 2014 with the blessings of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. Hosting parish this year will be Holy Trinity Cathedral in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Youth between the ages of 16 and young adult may participate. Noted hierarchs and clergy of the Russian Church Abroad will lead discussions and be present for questions and social activities.
The registration fee of $300.00 includes all lectures, activities, meals and lodging (quad occupancy). Transportation will be provided from the hotel to all activities and services in the church.
If you register before the deadline, a $25.00 discount will be applied. The deadline for registration will be December 3.
Please register early as space is limited. The registration deadline is December 3, 2014. You may register online and any questions may be directed to the conference organizers on the contacts page.
The Holy Kursk Root Icon of The Mother of God will be present throughout the conference this year.
Click here to view report on the 2013 ConferenceWebsite:
More information can also be obtained by speaking directly with either Archbishop Gabriel or Father George Lagodich here in our parish. Depending on how many of our youth register to attend we may be able to organize transportation from Montreal directly to the conference facilities in Toronto, Ontario Canada.
The sacrament of Holy Unction provides both physical and spiritual healing through the Grace of the the Holy Spirit. The holy oil carries God’s Grace both to renew the body and cleanse the spirit and the mystery is based upon the Apostolic tradition mentioned in the New Testament. The service is composed of psalms, hymns of supplication, prayers to the saints, seven readings from the Gospels preceded by seven New Testament writings and followed by a prayer on behalf
of the penitent. At the end of the service, the holy oil is applied to the forehead, eyes, ears, nostrils, lips, chest and hands
of parishioners.

A great reason to get together and have a good time!
Delicious blini meal, good company, music and singing!
Interesting lottery prizes
You can RESERVE your table for you and your friends!
Mat. Nina Tel- 514-725-0060
Mat. Alexandra Tel-514-421-2473

Rawdon Parish - Mother of God of Kazan - Sunday January 25, 2015
Confession 9:30
Divine Liturgy - 10:00am
Blessing of the Waters on Lake Pontbriand immediately after Divine Liturgy
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20)
Truly our Lord blessed the last St. Herman of Alaska youth conference held from the 23rd through the 26th of December 2014 at the Holy Trinity cathedral in Toronto (Canada). Four days of non-stop inspired fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ went by as one moment. The conference brought together young people from the western (California & Alberta) to the eastern (Halifax & Florida) shores of North America. For some this was a first experience with orthodox conferences, while for others it was an annual event, awaited with much anticipation from the year before.
The conference participants stayed at the comfortable Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel, where in the warm atmosphere of friendly fellowship the first meeting of young people took place. Formally, the conference began on 24 December with morning prayers and tasty breakfast. Then, the youth participated in workshops, where important orthodox subjects were discussed with members of the clergy. In the evening, His Eminence, Gabriel, archbishop of Montreal and Canada, led the faithful in the celebration of the vigil, to which the wonderworking icon of the Kursk-Root Mother of God “of the Sign” was brought by bishop Nicholas of Manhattan. Next day, both hierarchs served the Divine Liturgy in honor of St. Herman of Alaska. Talented Youth choir members made the service quite beautiful with their mellifluous singing.
Archimandrite Luke, abbot of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY, delivered the main presentation of the conference about the reburial of the remains of bishop Constantine (Essensky). The final day ended with a beautiful banquet arranged and served by the Holy Trinity parish sisterhood, followed by the traditional talent show.
Bidding their farewells, the participants exchanged their contact information so that via social networks they can stay in touch until the next conference, which — God willing — will be held in 2015 in Lakewood, NJ.
Tatiana Masterova
1) Banquet Preparation: Click here to view photos
2) Day of Banquet: Click here to view photos
3) The team of men: Click here to view photos