Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral
Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
422 St. Joseph Blvd. West, Montreal, QC., H2V 2P5 Canada
Donate to our church here ! - 19/11/2024

Make your donation to St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral through Canada Helps right here!

Registration for Parish school year - 01/11/2024


With the blessing of His Eminence Bishop Gabriel, Archbishop of Montreal and Canada, the new school year at our parish school will begin on Saturday, September 14, 2024.

For more information, please call 514-651-4334. 

To register, please fill out the registration form here and send it to:

Hour change - 01/11/2024

Do not forget to TURN BACK by an hour your clocks
in the evening of Saturday, November 2.

Visit of the holy Myrrh-streaming Hawaiian Iveron of the Holy Mother of God - 18/10/2024

Friday, October 18, 2024 Photo album of the akathist to the Holy Icon held at the cathedral

Saturday, October 19, and 20, 2024, photo album of the services held during the visit to the cathedral

Visit of the Hawaiian Iveron Icon of the Holy Thetokos - 10/10/2024

The holy Myrrh-streaming Hawaiian Iveron of the Holy Mother of God
will visit The St. Nicholas Cathedral from October 18 to 20, 2024



Friday, October 18- at 12:00pm - Moleben service in front of the icon



Saturday, October 19- at 12:00pm - Moleben service in front of the icon



Friday, October 18- at 06:00pm - Greeting of the icon and Akathist 

Saturday, October 19 - at 08:15am- Divine Liturgy

Saturday, October 19 - at 04:30pm- Moleben service in front of the icon

Saturday, October 19 - at 05:00pm- Vigil Service

Sunday, October 20– at 09:15am- Divine Liturgy

LATEST NEWS - 26/08/2024

Construction work on the installation of the HVAC system has begun

See pictures  here 

HVAC - 04/06/2024

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The long-awaited ventilation unit has finally been delivered.

The engineers are waiting for the permits from the city to proceed with the installation of the unit.

🔍See pictures of the new HVAC unit

Spring Bazaar - 17/05/2024

On Saturday, May 25, 2024
From 10:00AM to 02:00PM

Sisterhood accepts your donations for bazar before Friday, May 24
            Attention: We do NOT take clothes donations                 

We are asking for our parish bakers for donations in baked goods for the event

Service change - 12/05/2024

Christ is Risen!
Please be advised that :

Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14, 2024- Radonitsa- a Panihida service- commemoration of the reposed- will take place instead of Divine Liturgy at 8:30am.


Please be advised that the borough of Outremont has given us parking tolerance on both sides of Nelson and McNider street  between St. Joseph Blvd West and Villeneuve street from Saturday, May 4, 2024, starting at 08:00am until Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 04:00pm.

Sacrament of the Holy Unction - 25/04/2024

Please note that the Sacrament of the Holy Unction
will take place this FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2024
- 05:00PM- Matins
- 06:30PM - Service of Holy Unction

Pascha 2024- Last chance - 25/04/2024

We still have Kulichi for Pascha! Do not miss the chance to get one!

Please click here to place your order.
Or you can contact Mat. Nina at (514) 725-0060.
You will be able to pick it up beginning Palm Sunday, April 28th, 2024.

Visit of the Holy Kursk icon of the Mother of God - 15/12/2023

On December 18 & 19, 2023, Our parish will have the honor of the visit of the Holy Kursk icon of the Holy Mother of God, Protectress of the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia,  with the presence of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia  

- Monday, December 18 - at 06:00pm- Vigil Service

- Tuesday, December 19– at 09:30am- Episcopal Divine Liturgy

St. Herman Youth Conference - 30/11/2023

Sisterhood's Fall Bazaar - 14/09/2023

Registration for divine services - 30/06/2023

Please click here and Sign Up for Divine Services!

Choose date, location, time and click on "✔" Sign Up, then press Submit and Sign Up below. 

Enter your details and press Sign Up Now.

Confirmation E-mail will be sent to you shortly.

If you experience any trouble Signing Up, please contact 

Archpriest George Lagodich: 514-945-4369 

Pascha 2023 – Sisterhood Kulichi and Cheese Pascha! - 01/04/2023

Dear parishioners!

Order your Kulichi and Cheese Pascha on-line for pickup beginning Palm Sunday, April 9, 2023.

The Cathedral Sisterhood bakes Kulichi and Cheese Pascha using a traditional Russian Imperial recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation.  The recipe dictates using only the finest ingredients and includes lots of butter and eggs for a very rich and satisfying offering.

Kulichi and Cheese Pascha will be made available in 500 g size and will be frozen to preserve freshness.

Please indicate the number of Kulichi and/or Cheese Pascha you wish to order.

Please click here to place your order.


We thank you for supporting the Cathedral Sisterhood!

Easter gifts at Parish Kiosk - 01/04/2023

If you have not gotten Easter gifts for your loved ones, the Cathedral’s book kiosk is offering now:

-Faberge Style Egg pendants

 Easter cards - Paschal Basket Covers

Pysanky style Wooden Egg and other products

Stride of the parks! - 10/06/2022


Easter Gifts! - 07/04/2022

If you have not gotten Easter gifts for your loved ones, 

The Cathedral’s book kiosk is offering now:

- Faberge Style Egg pendants

 - Easter cards

- Paschal Basket Covers

 - Pysanky style Wooden Eggs and other products.

Pascha 2022 – Sisterhood Kulichi and Cheese Pascha! - 30/03/2022

Dear parishioners!

Order your Kulichi and Cheese Pascha on-line for pickup beginning Palm Sunday, April 17th, 2022.

The Cathedral Sisterhood bakes Kulichi and Cheese Pascha using a traditional Russian Imperial recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation.  The recipe dictates using only the finest ingredients and includes lots of butter and eggs for a very rich and satisfying offering.

Kulichi and Cheese Pascha will be made available in 500 g size and will be frozen to preserve freshness.

Please indicate the number of Kulichi and/or Cheese Pascha you wish to order.

Please click here to place your order.


We thank you for supporting the Cathedral Sisterhood!

Holy Water Pick Up Appointments Year 2022 - 13/01/2022

Holy Water will be available for pick up only, at St. Nicholas Cathedral.

You must select a time slot and arrive within that 15-minute time period.

You should station your car in the parking area in front of the kitchen door which is facing Nelson Street.

Please remain in your car and do not try to enter the church!

Click here to make your appointment.

Donate to the Fund for Assistance - 06/01/2022

Support the youth, clergy and emergency relief of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. Donate now.

2022 calendars on sale now - 08/12/2021

2022 calendars are on sale now at the parish book kiosk.

Order Meals Online - 07/12/2021

Dear parishioners!

(Now Available once again)

Cathedral Sisterhood On-Line ordering of Food Items. 

We are excited to launch this new initiative and kindly ask for your patience as we ramp up our activities.

Please click here and create your order.

Orders can only be picked up in the Church Parish Hall. Pick up times will either be on Saturday from 4:30pm to 5:00pm or Sunday from 11:00am to 12:30pm.

Enjoy and do visit often as menu items can vary.

Note: All orders are prepared and individually packaged with strict adherence to COVID protocols!

EASTER MESSAGE - 05/05/2021

Aрxіeпископъ Монреальскiй и Канадскiй
The Most Reverend Archbishop Gabriel
of Montreal and Canada


Священству, клиру и всѣмъ прихожанамъ Свято-Николаевскаго каѳедральнаго собора
Возлюбленные во Христѣ отцы, братія и сестры!
Христосъ Воскресе!
Прежде всего, я желалъ бы поздравить каждаго изъ васъ съ Праздникомъ всѣхъ Праздниковъ - Свѣтлымъ Воскресеніемъ Христовымъ и пожелать мира и здравія, a главное - Пасхальной радости. Радость эта предназначена всѣмъ намъ, но доступна въ полной мѣрѣ лишь тѣмъ, кто покаяніемъ и молитвой въ прошедшія недѣли Великаго Поста сподобился изгнать изъ своего сердца неподобающіе помыслы, въ томъ числѣ – уныніе и недовольство. «О, если бы мы больше размышляли о неизбѣжной для каждаго смерти и воскресеніи, - восклицаетъ въ одномъ изъ своихъ посланій Блаженнѣйшій Митрополитъ Антоній, Авва нашей Русской Зарубежной Церкви, - какъ быстро таяли бы въ насъ остатки злобы». Въ особенности это слѣдуетъ помнить въ наши дни, когда вотъ уже второй годъ какъ попущеніемъ Божіимъ нашествіе прежде невѣдомаго вируса, измѣнило буквально весь ходъ человѣческой жизни на землѣ. Эти обстоятельства препятствуютъ даже въ столь, казалось бы, естественномъ для всѣхъ насъ, православныхъ вѣрующихъ людей, и мірянъ, и священнослужителей, желаніи: свободно и безпрепятственно вмѣстѣ участвовать въ богослуженіяхъ, а тѣмъ болѣе на Святую Пасху Христову. Конечно, это не можетъ не печалить всѣхъ насъ, - равно и меня, вашего настоятеля.

Но, возлюбленные братія и сестры, вновь и вновь вспомнимъ богодухновенныя слова великихъ угодниковъ Божіихъ: «Нѣтъ намъ дороги унывать», - обращается къ намъ Преподобный Серафимъ Саровскій. «Претерпи же, и прояснится надъ тобою небо», - вторитъ ему Святитель Ѳеофанъ Затворникъ. По молитвамъ ихъ посылается намъ отъ Господа терпѣніе и смиреніе. И за готовность вашу, дорогіе священнослужители и прихожане Свято-Николаевскаго каѳедральнаго собора, съ терпѣніемъ смиренно воспріять то, что сегодня происходитъ въ нашемъ мірѣ, я благодарю васъ. Ибо этимъ вы поддерживаете и меня, дѣлясь со мною и терпѣніемъ, и смиреніемъ, и Пасхальною радостью.
«Пасха! Радостью другъ друга обымемъ и ненавидящимъ насъ простимъ вся воскресеніемъ! О Пасха, избавленіе скорби!..».
Воистину Воскресе Христосъ!
Архieпископъ Монреальскiй и Канадскiй,
ПАСХА ХРИСТОВА, 2021 годъ.

EASTER 2021 PHOTO ALBUM - 05/05/2021

Please click here for photo album!

Photo of the day 2020! - 30/12/2020

Click here for photo album!

Spiritual Conversations with Father Valery! - 20/09/2020

We invite everyone to the Spiritual Conversations with Father Valery.

Day, time and topic will be announced.
During isolation, the meeting is held online,

the Skype link:

New academic year 2020-2021! - 27/08/2020

With the blessing of the director of the parish school of A.S. Pushkin, His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel, the new academic year 2020-2021 will begin on September 12th, 2020.
The school will work in accordance with the sanitary and hygienic requirements that are mandatory for all educational institutions.
In order to know the number of students and plan our work, we invite you to register for the new academic year.
Please fill out the form and send it to the email address: 
Respectfully, school Administration.

Important Announcement from the St. Nicholas cathedral's clergy! - 29/06/2020

Dear Parishioners!

Our on-line registration system is now ready to be used and can be accessed via our parish website. The system can be used to register for St Nicholas, Rawdon and Lachine parishes.

We continue to ask for your patience during this period of start up. As our capacity restrictions have not changed, we would also ask that you keep in mind we have many parishioners that would like to attend a divine service. In addition, there will be many who do not have access to a computer and if you know of them do help them out or have them call me directly.

Archpriest George Lagodich: 514-945-4369 

When registering please indicate the total number of people including children.

Our Seniors Sixty five years and older, and Young members with ages up until seven.

1)  We are planning to organize separate liturgies which will be restricted to those 65 years and older. Please stay tuned for dates and times. You do not have to wait for these and can attend as you wish.
2)  For families with young children, you will have an additional option. Due to capacity restraints it

may not be possible to attend on a regular basis. To allow your children to partake of Holy

Communion as often as possible you will be able to stand outside in front of the church and wait

until the end of the divine liturgy. At that time, you will be able to enter as a family or one by one

for your children to commune of the Most Precious Divine Mysteries. While outside the church you

must continue to maintain social distancing, but a face mask will be optional until you enter the building.
Finally as I had mentioned above we are starting up, please look out for regular communcations. Thank you and God Bless

Father George

Important Announcement from the St. Nicholas cathedral's clergy! - 29/06/2020

Dear Parishioners of St Nicholas Cathedral!

This upcoming Sunday June 28th our beloved Cathedral will once again open its doors to the public albeit in a limited capacity restricting the number of people attending at any one divine service. You can be assured that our efforts are focussed on being as efficient as possible with your personal safety being a top priority. Gradually, as we move forward the number of people permitted to attend at any one time will increase from 25 to a total of 75. Initially we will begin with the weekends but very quickly services will start to be celebrated during the week for important Saints and major feast days.

There will be several rules and guidelines that will be followed so as to fully comply with Government regulations. An operating protocol is in place to insure we stay open in the event of a second wave of the virus. What may seem excessive at this point will go a long way to make sure we achieve this most important objective. A plan with multiple phases has been developed to gradually return our parish life to normal. Separate communications in the near future will be provided.

The key points are:

1) To enter the church building a face mask is required which must be kept on at all times; 2) Social distancing, which is maintaining a two meter distance is absolutely mandatory, the

only exception will be for families living under the same roof.
3) All persons who wish to attend any scheduled service must be registered, ideally in advance.

We absolutely must respect our capacity limits. You can register on-line, or by emailing or calling Father George. This procedure will go a long way to help avoid any disappointments at the door of the church. The registration will help in the event of infection to quickly advise others who were in attendance at that time. This is mandatory.

4) Washroom facilities will be modified and a maximum of two people or a family can enter at any one time. We will have somebody on duty monitoring compliance.

There will be two divine liturgies served every Sunday during the hot summer months; one at 7;30am in the Main Cathedral and the second at 9:30am in the Parish Hall which is Air Conditioned. This is being done for two reasons; to maximize the amount of people that can attend services and to provide a safe environment for those who may find it difficult wearing a face mask in the high heat and humidity.
What to expect:

1) Once you have registered and arrive at the church you will be greeted at the front entrance where you will be asked several screening questions related to your health condition. So as to avoid any disappointment at the door you should not come to church if you have any of the following symptoms:

a. Fever, chills, cough, runny nose or nasal congestion, shortness of breath, muscle aches, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of smell or taste.

2)  Then you will have to sanitize your hands using the disinfectant provided.
3)  You will be able to purchase candles as usual.
4)  We ask that you do not venerate icons by kissing them.
5)  At end of the liturgy the cross will not be offered for veneration but you will be given antidirion

by the priest who will be wearing gloves for your protection.
6)  At the end of the service you should immediately exit as directed by those on duty. Those

attending services in the parish hall will exit by the doors as indicated. We ask that you respect this so as to allow those on duty to begin disinfecting procedures which take approximately one and half hours to complete.
Our Seniors Sixty five years and older, and Young members with ages up until seven.

1)  We are planning to organize separate liturgies which will be restricted to those 65 years and older. Please stay tuned for dates and times.
2)  For families with young children, you will have an additional option. Due to capacity restraints it may not be possible to attend on a regular basis. To allow your children to partake of Holy Communion as often as possible you will be able to stand outside in front of the church and wait until the end of the divine liturgy. At that time, you will be able to enter as a family or one by one for your children to commune of the Most Precious Divine Mysteries. While outside the church you must continue to maintain social distancing, but a face mask will be optional until you enter the building.
Hearing of Confessions:

1) These will only be heard, without exception before the beginning of the divine liturgy. Gradually our priests will also be able to hear confession during the evening services. You can also make an appointment to meet a priest or you can call by telephone.

Panahidas, Molebens, Baptisms and Weddings:

1) We request that you speak directly with one of our priests to make arrangements. It will not be possible to serve these after the divine liturgy at this point in time.

We thank you for your continued patience and prayerful support.

Cathedral clergy.

Download announcement in PDF (Rus/Eng/Fr)

Important Announcement from the Canadian Diocesan Chancellery! - 27/06/2020

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, parishioners of St. Nicholas Cathedral!
By the grace of God, the doors of our Cathedral, which were closed by order of the civil
authorities so as to protect us from the destructive infection, are gradually beginning to open.
The dangerous disease, which could at any moment affect us and our loved ones, is receding.
This is truly good news. But this does not mean that there is no danger at all. Moreover, we
have been warned that the disease could regain strength. That is why it is vital that we take the
necessary precautions that would allow us to reduce the danger as much as possible. The
instructions developed by the authorities with the assistance of doctors must be adapted to the
conditions of our church building. This important task was carried out by our clergy with the
assiduous and selfless support of volunteers from among our parishioners. We take this
opportunity to call on them God’s blessings and thank them for their labours, without which it
would be impossible to cope with the difficult task of preparing the cathedral for the start of
public services.
We repeat - this is only the beginning, and before we can return to the usual order of services
in the Cathedral, some time might pass. Exactly how much - we have no way of knowing at this
time. The rules that we must follow have already been prepared, and you will know them well
in advance. Both the security of our presence in the church building and the hope that public
services will continue, even with a possible new wave of the pandemic in Montreal, depend
directly on their observance.
Therefore, brothers and sisters, each one of us will have to have a little more patience. Let us
recall the words of the venerable Leo Okhtinsky: “With God's help, let us decide, as much as
possible, to persevere and to ask the Most Compassionate and Almighty Lord, with thanksgiving
and praise, that He in His omnipotence may grant you the patience to endure all troubles. And I
can firmly assure you that if you humbly accept this trial, then the All-Merciful Lord will reward
you greatly!”
“By your patience possess (i.e. save) your souls” (Luke 21:19).
With love in the Lord,
Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada
Rector of St. Nicholas Cathedral

Download announcement in PDF (Rus/Eng/Fr)

We are seeking volunteers for many important tasks! - 19/06/2020

Dear Parishioners of Saint Nicholas,

Vladyka Gabriel has blessed us to write you this short note. The short answer to what is on everybody’s minds is that: “Yes we have been given permission to open up our cathedral”. The Government has very specifically worded their announcement that only those parishes that have established protocols in place will be allowed to open.

We have a protocol for opening and for a sustained operation which is currently being finalized as details are being released to us from the relevant authorities. We will be ready but are asking for just a little bit more patience as we work through this very difficult but most important process.

In the interim we are seeking volunteers for many important tasks that will need to be completed in advance of opening and more importantly to keep our church doors open.

Please let us know by email at

Examples of opening tasks: 

-Moving candle and icon stands.
-Make sure that the chairs are placed at the proper distance.  

Examples of on-going tasks:

-Greeting those entering the church.
-Ensuring that people maintain social distancing.
-Ensuring that people wash their hands as they walk into the church.
-Disinfection procedures.


Many thanks in advance and God Bless!

Cathedral Clergy.

Myrrh-Bearing Women, May 3rd 2020! - 03/05/2020

Many thanks to the Myrrh-Bearing Women!


Please Click Here to learn more about the story (PDF Russian/English/French).

Please Click Here to view photo album #1 from previous celebration.

Please Click Here to view photo album #2 from previous celebration.

Please Click Here to listen audio file.

Russian Orthodox Cemetery in Rawdon! - 27/04/2020

Christ is Risen!

Please Click Here to see photos from yesterday’s visit to the Russian Orthodox Cemetery in Rawdon. Despite the difficult times and restrictions regarding gatherings (it should be noted that everybody remained on the perimeter whilst the panahida was served) we served a panahida for all those reposed at the cemetery which included family and friends reposed in the Lord. As is traditional all of the reposed were prayed for by name. At the end of the panahida during the singing of Memory Eternal all of the graves were visited and one could quietly hear Father George greeting each resting spot with the Paschal greeting, “Christ is Risen”.

Paschal Epistle! - 18/04/2020

To the clergy and God-saved flock of the Diocese of Canada
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ!


With all my heart I greet you with the Feast of Feasts, the Glorious Resurrection of Christ,
and pray for each of you to be granted Paschal joy, peace and wellbeing.
Of all the feasts celebrated by the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the most joyous,
most triumphant is the Feast of the Pascha of the Lord, the Unconquerable Victory over the
powers of hell and death. So that we all, after Christ’s Resurrection, set our trust in our own
resurrection, and life everlasting. And “trust”, as St John of Tobolsk puts it, “is higher than
hope, it transcends hope”.

This year, however, our Easter joy is inseparably linked with the “godly sorrow”, as St
Paul says in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians: “For godly sorrow works repentance unto
salvation” (2 Cor 7:10).

By order of the civil authorities all public worship in our churches is temporarily
suspended. We follow this order, since, if we were to break it, we would, besides running the
danger of falling victim to the illness ourselves, risk becoming an unwitting cause of
meaningless death of our kinsfolk – may God preserve us from this! We ourselves are doing
all we can to stop the pestilence from entering the homes of our parishioners. But this does not
mean the services in the churches of our Diocese have ceased. They are continuing, but only
the clergy who celebrate them are allowed in (not more than two celebrants in some
provinces). Through God’s providence, many people are able to follow these on the internet,
and thus, in these difficult circumstances, are given a chance to create house Churches in their
homes. Therefore, beloved brothers and sisters, do keep in mind the words of Our Risen Lord
Jesus Christ: go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who
is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly (Mt 6:6).

At this time it would be good to speak of miraculous events which took place in the
island of Corfu long time ago. The black plague that was raging in neighbouring Italy and
other countries of Europe, reached Corfu in 1629. The terrible news spread quickly across the
island. Despite strict quarantine, the number of people stricken with the disease grew. Then
the Orthodox, having assembled in the church of St Spyridon, prayed for the deliverance from
the cruel pestilence. And the plague retreated. By Palm Sunday of 1630 the epidemic has
ceased completely, while elsewhere in Europe thousands were still dying from the disease.
On the same day of the Feast of the Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem a solemn procession
went through the streets in gratitude for the miracle wrought by the Supreme Physician of our
souls and bodies through the prayers of the Holy Hierarch Spyridon.

Let us implore Our Risen Lord to be swiftly delivered from this cruel pestilence,
remembering the words of St John of Kronstadt: “Wars, illnesses and other calamities are but
medicines in the hands of most merciful Heavenly Father… When the Lord strikes you with
sore affliction, or sickness, or misfortune, then be assured that He will also truly send you
consolation, and will afterwards bestow upon you the grace of peace, strength, and joy
corresponding to your previous sufferings. For ‘the Lord is full of compassion and mercy,
long-suffering, and of great goodness. He will not always be wrathful… He hath not dealt with
us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our wickednesses’ (Ps 102:8-11)”.

Dear brothers and sisters! May Our Risen Lord grant us all, in our present condition, to
celebrate this Glorious Feast in good health and spiritual joy.
“Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we have set our hope on Thee” (Ps 32:22).
Christ is Risen indeed!

Archbishop of Montreal and Canada
Christ’s Pascha, 2020

Link To Original Epistle on

Holy Pascha – Blessing of Baskets! - 16/04/2020

This year’s Holy Pascha divine services will be celebrated as we have throughout most of the Lenten period, behind closed doors.

Please join us using the video streaming service on our YouTube channel, or via our parish website.

We will however be blessing your Easter Baskets according to the schedule below. All of you should have Holy Water in your households.  During the appointed times the presiding priest will read the blessing prayer. At the end of the prayer the priest will thrice intone the blessing using the brush in his hands dipped in Holy Water. At each time you at your home should sprinkle Holy Water upon your Easter Baskets.

As is the tradition in our parish following the divine liturgy on Great Saturday morning, we will also bless bread and wine. The blessing will follow in the same manner as with Easter Baskets.

God Bless and a blessed Pascha Feast to all!

Blessing of Bread & Wine: Great Saturday morning immediately following the end of divine liturgy.

Blessing of Easter Baskets:

1st Blessing – Great Saturday morning following divine liturgy at approximately 12:00 noon.

2nd Blessing – Easter Sunday morning following the matins service at approximately 1:00am.

3rd Blessing – Easter Sunday morning following the divine liturgy at approximately 2:30am.

Note: Please choose one of the blessing times.

Do not congregate around the church premises! - 14/04/2020

Our Dear parishioners!

Once again recent circumstances compel us to write that which is so difficult for us. We understand and share your feelings regarding being as close to the church as possible. We must this time use more forceful language to ask that you do not congregate around the church premises! We cannot let anybody into the building and will not make any sort of  exceptions.

This may cause dissatisfaction and suspicion of those who live next to our cathedral, and we could be accused of violating the quarantine rules established by the city authorities. As a result, the police could deprive us of the right to worship in the church, even in the current setup (no more than two people).

Ask yourself the question, “do I wish to be the cause of our church being closed off depriving Paschal services for all?”. We are most sure that your answer will be no.

Many thanks!

Cathedral clergy.


To our God Loving Parishioners of St Nicholas Cathedral!

Once again we turn to you regarding an age-old tradition where Church-wide collections are made on Palm Sunday to benefit the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem. This year in particular is most important, in this year of 2020 in light of the closure of all the monasteries in the Holy Land to pilgrims due to the COVOID-19 virus.

We appeal to you during this weekend to continue to show the generosity of our parish in this wonderful act of love and charity. Every monetary offering – big or small- is vital.

Here’s how to Donate:

1. Via check, please mail directly to the Cathedral Address: Please indicate on your check: "Palm Sunday Holy Land"

St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral

422 St Joseph Blvd West

Montreal, QC H2V 2P5

2. Via our website using your credit card:

Please select “Palm Sunday - Collection for Jerusalem Mission”.

With Love in Christ!

Cathedral Clergy.


Therefore, the schedule of services has changed! 
- Services in Laсhine are canceled in April. 
- Blessing of the Easter baskets not take place in the usual manner.

Our clergy is working on an option for blessing of the baskets. We will notify shortly.
 - The children's Easter procession on Bright Saturday has been canceled. 
- The divine liturgy in Rawdon on St Thomas Sunday is canceled.
- The annual Luncheon of the myrrh-bearing women, the sisterhood's feast is canceled.

Appeal to our God Loving Parishioners of St. Nicholas Cathedral! - 02/04/2020

With the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada, Rector of St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral

Appeal to our God Loving Parishioners of St. Nicholas Cathedral!

Great Lent and the days prior to Pascha are traditionally the busiest periods of our church calendar. At this time of the year multitudes of worshipers gather in our cathedral to renew their spiritual lives, to receive the Holy Sacraments and rejoice in the Lord.

The Government Authorities have decreed that we not gather in groups larger than two people and we will adhere to these requirements.

During these difficult times, please be advised that our parish clergy will continue to serve the services, but, unfortunately, behind locked doors. Only one priest and one choir member are permitted at the services. Please be assured that our clergy are commemorating all of your family altar books (pomyaniki) and all of the Lenten Commemoration slips and cards that you submitted at these services. Special prayers are being read for all doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and first responders who are on the frontline of this pandemic, selflessly caring for the numerous ill people, at risk to themselves and their families. May their Guardian Angels protect them and their families.  Should you know of somebody on the frontline please contact Father George Lagodich directly who is coordinating this effort (514 945 4369).

Be assured that we are praying as well for all the parishioners, relatives and friends of St. Nicholas’s parish. If you have a particular need, prayer request or panihida, you can write or call any one of our parish clergy or leave a general message at: Clergy phone numbers and email below.   

You can also request to have candle(s) put up during any particular service by writing or calling our clergy. Candle payments can be made via our website and accessing the donate button which will lead you to website where you can use your credit card. Please select the payment for candles.

The inability to have worshipers in church for the services means that the economic welfare of the parish is being severely hurt. We still need to pay the utility bills for our church building, make our monthly mortgage payments to the bank, make needed repairs, tend to the grounds, continue payments for property and liability insurance, and much more. Collection of parish dues, sale of candles and other donations make it possible to pay our bills and keep our property in good order.

We are fervently reaching out to our faithful at this critical time to do their part and help the parish – our common treasure – to fulfill its God-appointed mission. Please continue to support our parish with your donations. Every monetary offering – big or small – is vital.

Here’s how:

To Donate:

1. Via cheque, please mail directly to the Cathedral Address:

St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral

422, St Joseph Blvd. West, Montreal, QC H2V 2P5

2. Via our website using your credit card or Paypal: (

Cathedral Clergy:

Very Rev George Lagodich, Tel: 514 945 4369 (

Very Rev Valeriy Chemskii, Tel: 514 452 8523 (

Very Rev Nicholas Perekrestov, Tel: 514 820 4960 (

Very Rev Michael Metni, Tel: 514 293 9095 (

God Bless!

To all parishioners of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Montreal! - 25/03/2020

Our dear parishioners!

These days, we all strive to be as close to our church as possible. We share your feelings, but, unfortunately, we are compelled to ask all of you to refrain from such an understandable desire to be physically close to the sacred walls of our cathedral in order to cross ourselves under its dome. This may cause dissatisfaction and suspicion of those who live next to our cathedral, and we could be accused of violating the quarantine rules established by the city authorities. As a result, the police could deprive us of the right to worship in the church, even in the current setup (no more than two people).

If you have any questions for us, please call any of the clergy. None of your appeals will go unanswered.

Archpriest George Lagodich - 514-945-4369

Archpriest Valery Chemsky - 514-452-8523

Hegumen Nikolay (Perekrestov) - 514-820-4960

Archpriest Michael Metni - 514-293-9095


Priesthood and clergy of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Montreal, Quebec.


The address of the Archbishop of Montreal and Canada Gabriel

can be downloaded here

(PDF file English/French)

Authorities forbidden all gatherings! - 22/03/2020

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
In light of the present situation with the coronavirus pandemic, the local authorities have forbidden all gatherings of any sort within our cathedral!  We will be complying fully! 

Services will continue to be held but restricted to clergy only behind closed doors.  Please do not try to gain access during these times which will serve to make the best of this difficult situation.

We ask that you inform any of our parishioners that do not have access to the internet!

We are working very hard to organize good quality live broadcasts of these services. 

At this time you can follow us on Facebook at St-Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral. 

https://www. Religious-Organization/St- Nicholas-Russian-Orthodox- Cathedral-220772394997386/ 
Coming soon will be live streaming via a link which will be made available.
Glory be to God for everything!

Important Announcement from the Canadian Diocesan Chancellery! - 20/03/2020

Please click here for PDF file (Russian/English languages) 

Annual General assembly is postponed! - 19/03/2020

Under the circumstances we are living presently

with the Coronavirus pandemic,

the Annual General assembly is postponed to a
undetermined date!


Please click here for FLYER (PDF multiple language)

Please click here for AGENDA (PDF multiple language)

Blinis luncheon, February 9th, 2020! - 30/01/2020


Do not miss the chance!

From June 27th to July 13th, 2020,

A group of young people from the Russian Church Abroad and a group of youth from the St. Petersburg and Tikhvin Dioceses will join in volunteer work at an ancient Russian Monastery in Northern Russia.

The deadline to register is March 1st, 2020!

You may contact our parish's Archpriest George Lagodich for details.

Please click here for more information!

THEOPHANY 2020! - 19/01/2020


The pilgrimage to the Holy Land

for parishioners of the Canadian Diocese
will take place from

MAY 15th - 30th, 2020!

Parishioners interested in joining the pilgrimage

are asked to contact
Peter Antonoff (Toronto)
Mobile telephone: 416-407-1102


Archbishop Gabriel's Christmas Message! - 09/01/2020

Please click here!

NATIVITY OF OUR LORD, January 7th, 2020! - 07/01/2020


If you wish your house to be blessed with Holy water by one of our priests,

please register yourself at the candle stand in church or leave a phone message

at 514-276-8322


Sunday, January 12th, 2020 at 1:00pm

Photo of the day 2019! - 31/12/2019

Click here for photo album!

2019 Saint Herman Youth Conference Testimonial! - 28/12/2019

 Testimonial by one of the youth attendees.

Please click here!

Saint Herman Youth Conference, December 23-27th, 2019! - 23/12/2019

Ryzhikov Sergey Parish Feast Visit, December 19th, 2019! - 19/12/2019

DECEMBER 19th, 2019 - PARISH FEAST CELEBRATED! - 01/12/2019

GENERAL CLEAN UP OF THE CHURCH, December 15th, 2019! - 01/12/2019

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, November 16-17th, 2019! - 14/11/2019

Exclusive Interview with Fr. George Lagodich and Arthur Shtrevensky! - 20/09/2019

Children's Choir at Saint-Nicholas Cathedral! - 20/09/2019

Dear parishioners,

In 2019-2020, a Russian-speaking Children's Choir will be operating at Saint-Nicholas Cathedral. 

Activities will be held every Saturday from 2:15 to 3:00 pm. Age: 7 years old and up.
For additional information and registration, please contact Olga Belkin at (

Fr. Rafael and the Dominican Republic Mission Needs Your Help! - 15/09/2019

Fr. Rafael serves six different missions, all over the island of the Dominican Republic. An important part of Fr. Rafael's missionary work is in jeopardy, because his car is on the verge of breaking down. To buy a new reliable van Fr. Rafael needs $25k. By donating today you can help Fr. Rafael continue faithfully serving the growing Orthodox community of the Dominican Republic.

https://www.fundforassistance. org/dominican-republic-appeal

11th Sunday after Pentecost, September 1st, 2019! - 01/09/2019

September 14th, 2019 - BEGINNING OF THE PARISH SCHOOL YEAR! - 25/08/2019

September 28th, 2019 - SISTERHOOD’S FALL BAZAAR! - 22/08/2019

September 29th, 2019 - Church Family B.B.Q. - 21/08/2019

September 29th, 2019 - Konevets Quartet! - 20/08/2019


Appearance of the “Kazan” Icon of the Theotokos in Rawdon, July 21st, 2019! - 05/07/2019

Russian-speaking Children's Choir Week, July 8-12th, 2019! - 08/06/2019

Icon of the Holy Mother of God of Kursk's Root in Rawdon, June 9th, 2019! - 01/06/2019

SISTERHOOD SPRING BAZAAR, June 08, 2019! - 27/05/2019

Kursk Icon of the Mother of God, June 8th & 9th, 2019! - 27/05/2019

Luncheon of the Sisterhood, May 12th, 2019! - 12/05/2019

Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, May 12th, 2019! - 12/05/2019

Children’s Easter Procession, May 4th, 2019! - 04/05/2019

Bright Monday (St. John of Suchawa-Lachine), 29 April 2019! - 29/04/2019

Holy Week - Translations! - 28/04/2019

Pascal Vespers, April 28th, 2019! - 28/04/2019

The Resurrection of our Lord-EASTER, April 28th, 2019 - 28/04/2019

Bringing Out of the Winding Shroud, April 26th, 2019! - 26/04/2019

Great Friday, April 26th, 2019 - 26/04/2019

Sacrament of the Holy Unction, 23 April 2019 - 23/04/2019

PALM SUNDAY, April 21st, 2019 - 21/04/2019

Vespers with Pre-Sanctified Gifts Liturgy, April 5th, 2019 - 05/04/2019

General Clean Up of The Church, April 14th, 2019! - 01/04/2019

3rd Sunday of Great Lent-Veneration of the Cross - March 30-31, 2019! - 30/03/2019

Triumph of Orthodoxy - March 17th, 2019! - 17/03/2019

Archbishop Gabriel 10 years of his episcopal ministry as Bishop of Canada - 17/03/2019

Maslenitsa - March 2019! - 03/03/2019

Understanding Sin and Forgiveness by Father Peter Heers - 01/03/2019

Epiphany - Blessing of the Waters - Rawdon - January 2019! - 06/01/2019

Children's Christmas Pageant (Yolka) - January 2019! - 05/01/2019

Nativity - January 2019! - 04/01/2019

St Herman Annual Youth Conference - 2018 Completes - 28/12/2018

Please visit the following links for report and photos.

Opening Day

Conference Continues

St Herman's Youth Conference 2018 - 25/10/2018

With the blessing of His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, the annual Saint Herman Youth Conference will be hosted once again by the parish in Albany, NY. It is a large parish with a thriving young energetic community many of whom have participated in previous conferences. The conference is a great opportunity to meet other Orthodox youth, to refocus and deepen your spiritual understanding of the church.

The conference features keynote speakers, small group workshops, clergy question and answer time, and most importantly it also offers an opportunity to meet, talk and exchange stories with others, as you work through some of life's more difficult moments. 

The conference is open to all Orthodox youth age 16 years and older. The registration fee includes all lodging (quad occupancy), meals and local transportation. The fee for the conference will remain at $300 per person. We are able to offer this rate due to some sponsorships and donations.

The conference will begin with a travel day of Sunday December 23 with registration beginning in the hotel at 3:00 pm. Airport pickup is available only at Albany International Airport on the 23rd  between the hours of 10:00 am and 10:00 pm. The conference will conclude with a morning check-out on Thursday December 27th. Again, delivery to the Albany Airport will be available only between the hours of 8:00 am and 2:00 pm on the 27th. Albany Amtrak station is an alternative arrival/departure location

The deadline for registration is Friday, December 1st, and after that date the cost will increase to $350.00 with no guarantee of space remaining. Any youth who need a scholarship may contact the Conference administration on the website here, or you may speak directly with Archbishop Gabriel or Father George of our parish.   All clergy are encouraged to participate and bring a delegation from their parish, as well as sending in a donation to help with scholarships and the work of the Conference.

Click here to view Conference Poster 2018

Click here to view brochure

Click here to view video

Click here to view report on the 2014 Conference

Click here to view report on the 2013 Conference


More information can also be obtained by speaking directly with either Archbishop Gabriel or Father George Lagodich here in our parish.  

St Herman's Youth Conference 2017 - 01/11/2017

With the blessing of His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, the annual Saint Herman Youth Conference will be hosted by Holy Dormition Convent "Novo-Diveevo" in Nanuet, NY and Holy Virgin Protection Church in Nyack, NY. The conference will commence on the evening of Friday, December 22, and conclude on the morning of Tuesday, December 26. The conference is open to all youth 16 years of age and older. All registrations will be managed online at the Youth Conference website here.

The theme of this year’s Conference will be the 100-year commemoration of the beginnings of the terrible persecutions of the Orthodox Church in the former Soviet Union. This year’s guest speaker will be Archpriest Viatcheslav Kharinov, rector of Joy of All Who Sorrow Church in St. Petersburg, Russia. Fr. Viatcheslav is an instructor and spiritual father of the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy, as well as an expert on the New Martyrs of Russia. He is a renowned speaker and researcher with a spellbinding knowledge of the martyrs.

Additionally, Priest Gennady Titov of St. Petersburg has been the lead researcher on the life and glorification of the Blessed Matrona the Barefoot of St. Petersburg. Material is currently being gathered for her glorification, and Fr. Gennady will share the latest information on her life. She was a fool for Christ who lived on the eve of the godless revolution and was an acquaintance of Righteous John of Kronstadt.

In addition to the lectures, there will be discussion groups, workshops, and an outdoor social activity.

The cost of the conference is $300.00 per person and includes all lodging (quad occupancy), meals, transportation from the hotel to the church. The conference will begin with a travel day of Friday, December 22, with registration beginning in the hotel at 3:00 PM. Airport pickup is available only at Newark Liberty International Airport on the 22nd between the hours of 10:00 AM and 10:00 PM. The Conference will conclude with a morning check-out on Wednesday, December 27. Delivery to the Newark Airport will be available only between the hours of 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM on the 27th.  

The deadline for registration is Friday, December 1st, and after that date the cost will increase to $350.00 with no guarantee of space remaining. Any youth who need a scholarship may contact the Conference administration on the website here, or you may speak directly with Archbishop Gabriel or Father George of our parish.   All clergy are encouraged to participate and bring a delegation from their parish, as well as sending in a donation to help with scholarships and the work of the Conference.


Click here to view brochure

Click here to view video

Click here to view report on the 2014 Conference


News from the Liturgical Music Commission - 31/03/2017

News from the Liturgical Music Commission (LMC) of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia: Report on the 25th Anniversary Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference (for North America), October 5-9, 2016, Montreal, Canada; and announcement of upcoming events in 2017


The 25th Anniversary Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference of church choir directors, singers and readers – attended by over 70 people – took place in the seat of the Canadian Diocese, Montreal, with great results and success. The conference was organized by the Liturgical Music Commission (LMC) of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia together with the organizing committee of the St. Nicholas Cathedral. The central theme was: The Music of Today's Russian Orthodox Church: Perspectives in Creative Artistry and Technique.

            The intensive workshops, rehearsals, and lectures took place at the excellent Marriott Courtyard Airport Hotel. The conference opened with The Prayer Service Before Beginning Any Good Work, served by the ruling diocesan bishop, Archbishop Gabriel. In his brief remarks, Vladyka referred to the importance of this work and called upon all to focus and draw as much information and experience as possible from the sessions. After Vladyka's remarks, the head of the LMC, Protopriest Andre Papkov, thanked our beloved Vladyka for his support and officially opened the 25th Anniversary Church Musicians’ Conference.

            The conference program was very full; one need only review the titles of the presentations and lectures to be convinced of the seriousness of the studies:

1) Mother Juliania, (Choir Director of the festal choir of the St. Elizabeth Convent, Minsk, Belarus) – The Art of Harmonizing Liturgical Chant.

2) Michael Woinowsky-Krieger (Choir director at St. Nicholas Cathedral, Montreal) – The Technical and Spiritual in our Church Singing: What's the Connection?

3) Dr. Peter Jermihov (Choir Director the St. Romanos Society, Chicago) – Conducting Technique: With Presence of Mind and a Burning Heart.

4) Dr. Nicholas Schidlovsky (member of the LMC, Lecturer at Princeton University) – Envisioning 'the Ideal' in Our Church Singing: History, Theory and Liturgical Composition.

5) Dr. Peter Jermihov – How the Conductor Prepares.

6) Dr. Kurt Sander (member of the LMC, Professor at Northern Kentucky University School of the Arts) – The Asceticism of Creativity: Some thoughts on the Process of Creating Sacred Music.

           A special invitee to the conference was the world famous choir director and composer Mother Juliania (in the world, Irina Denisova) from the St. Elizabeth Convent in Minsk (Belarus), who impressed all participants with her knowledge, directing technique, and a burning love of our common pursuit. Thank you, Matushka!

             Special mention must be given to the two-part seminar led with great success by Peter Jermihov, a well-known North American conductor and a zealous participant in these conferences. Three students worked individually with Maestro Jermihov in perfecting their conducting technique and prepared selected pieces to be sung during the solemn divine services. While observing the work of these students during rehearsals, Peter Nikolaevich conducted talks with everyone about the importance of a spiritual approach and inner contemplation during services and even rehearsals. It should be said that the success of this seminar was tremendous. Thank you, Peter Nikolaevich!

Meals were taken three times a day in the hotel, giving an opportunity for participants to get to know each other better. In the evenings they relaxed, swam in the hotel pool, and socialized. Thanks be to God, the number of participants from the younger generation is growing with each conference. There was also in attendance a contingent of young people who had completed the Summer School of Liturgical Music, held under the auspices of the LMC and Holy Trinity Seminary.

The Commission's members are: Chair, Protopriest Andre Papkov, Protodeacon Serge Arlievsky, Sergei Chidlovsky, Peter Fekula, Vladimir Krassovsky, Kurt Sander, Nicholas Schidlovsky and George Skok,

            On Friday evening, while the participants had a free evening for rest or sightseeing, the Commission held a lengthy meeting where a full agenda of items was discussed.

            On Saturday evening everyone set out for St. Nicholas Cathedral. It is a large church with very good acoustics.A 70-voice choir sang the All-Night Vigil. For parts of the service the choir divided into two and sang antiphonally. Archbishop Gabriel presided at all the services along with Protopriests George Lagodich (who had taken upon himself the lion's share of conference organization) Michael Metny, Fr. Andre Papkov, along with the deacons Vadim Gan, Vassily Milonov and Boris Sidorenko.

            After the Vigil, through the efforts of the sisterhood, a bountiful dinner was served in the church hall.

            On Sunday morning the solemn Greeting and Vesting of the Archbishop took place. In addition to the clergy named earlier, His Grace Archbishop Irénée, (Orthodox Church in America) concelebrated. The Divine Liturgy was served prayerfully with a good number of worshippers in attendance. The wonderful results of the work during the conference were in evidence. The Liturgy concluded with a resounding Many Years and words of gratitude from Archbishop Gabriel.

            After the service, and the unforgettable memories it brought, was the closing banquet, during which the Commission thanked the local organizing committee and presented them with modest gifts.

            It remains only to thank the Commission and the organizers of this wonderful conference, and wish them all God’s help and strength of spirit in future endeavours and labours in the field of church music.


See a video of the conference here.

Video: Michael Krieger


A participant of the Conference


In 2017 the Liturgical Music Commission is organizing two events:


- The Summer school of Liturgical Music July 9-22, 2017, at Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY


- And, God willing, we will all meet again at the 26th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference, hosted by the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles, California, October 5-8, 2017, with the sessions taking place at the Four Points Sheraton Los Angeles, Westside. The theme of the Conference is “Prayerful Sound in the Orthodox Church: Vocal Artistry of the Deacon, Reader and Singer at Divine Services.” Watch for the official announcement and registration information.


The Liturgical Music Commission



BLINI BENEFIT LUNCHEON - February 19, 2017 - 08/02/2017


On Sunday, February 19, 2017

This traditional event will take place

after the Divine Liturgy

Ждём Вас!

On vous attend! All are welcome!

37th Annual St. Herman Youth Conference - Washington DC - 20/12/2016

Group Photo - Click to view

Click here to view photo album

On the first day of St. Herman Youth Conference, the lobby swarms with strangers. But out of the chaos, a few familiar faces emerge, and over the next few days, new friends will become your family. Being young and Orthodox, after all, is not a particularly typical combination, and this common denominator transforms strangers into family in minutes. United by a common experience and faith, Americans, Russians, Canadians, Australians, Serb, and Greeks; teenagers and budding professionals; engineers and nurses; PKs (priests’ kids) and the recently chrismated – all diverse and unique – will come together.

The 37th Annual St. Herman Youth Conference of 2016 took place from December 23-27th at the Hyatt Hotel in Arlington, VA. Graciously hosted by St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Washington, DC, this year’s conference boasted more than 200 participants, the biggest turnout of the decade. Courtesy of the cathedral’s rector, Archpriest Victor Potapov, the local committee, and St. John’s Sisterhood, conference participants had the opportunity to attend the All-Night Vigil and Divine Liturgy in the epochal cathedral. Honored guest speakers Priest Patrick Viscuso, a priest, scholar, and canonist of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in America, and Archpriest Peter Perekrestov, the senior priest from Joy of All Who Sorrow Cathedral in San Francisco, prepared edifying lectures for the youth.

The conference was made possible by a generous grant from the Fund for Assistance (FFA) to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, which has been faithfully supporting the three St. Herman Conferences held every year in December: on the East Coast, in the Midwest, and on the West Coast. Many of the participants expressed their gratitude to the FFA in a special video, which can be viewed on the FFA’s YouTube page here.

On Saturday, December 24, the first day of conference, Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal & Canada opened the conference with an inspiring, if laconic, speech. He reminded the youth that the ultimate goal of conference was not only social and emotional support, but spiritual edification; most importantly, communal Confession and Communion at Liturgy on Sunday. He closed with his traditional statement: "Since this year we have 200 participants here, I want there to be 100 marriages… Eventually. Maybe 10 years?" Thus, with Archbishop Gabriel’s blessing, the conference was officially open.

After His Eminence’s opening speech, Fr. Victor Potapov introduced the first guest lecturer, Fr. Patrick Viscuso. Fr. Patrick’s presentation, titled "Being the 1% in a Non-Orthodox World," focused on showing the Orthodox way in the context of multiculturalism and assimilation. Fr. Patrick began his lecture by presenting little-known statistics about Orthodoxy in America. In the U.S., about 800,000 people identify as Orthodox Christians (hence, Orthodox people indeed comprise less than 1% of the overall population). Only 26% of Orthodox attend Liturgy weekly, there is steady decline of marriages and baptisms, and the majority of Orthodox youth who begin college will never step into a church again. Fr. Patrick addressed two major problems that contribute to this decline: nationalism and secularism. Still, after setting up this rather daunting image, Fr. Patrick offered a few solutions: prayer, pilgrimage and, finally, nurturing a faith that is individualized and sincere.

Fr. Patrick’s lecture, as well as fellowship with the clergy – 16 priests and four deacons were present – must have spiritually moved the youth, as on Sunday most received Holy Communion from five chalices in the presence of the holy relics of St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco, brought to Washington by Fr. Peter Perekrestov. It should be noted that St. John’s Cathedral in Washington, DC, was founded by St. John in 1949 when he came to the nation’s capital to intercede before Congress on behalf of his flock stranded on the island of Tubabao in the Philippines.

Two days later, Fr. Peter’s lecture on St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco mesmerized the hall. He will soon be publishing his second book on the life of the saint, in honor of the upcoming 50th anniversary of St. John’s repose. Fr. Peter guided his audience through St. John’s long life, telling colorful, little-known anecdotes to reveal the inner life of St. John. When he spoke of how St. John faced enmity and dislike throughout his life, he quoted a priest who said that, while "we all want to repose with the saints, we don’t really want to live with them." By the end of the lecture, when Fr. Peter showed some footage from the saint’s life, St. John materialized in the room as a human with flaws and character, and yet – unquestionably holy.

In addition to lectures, conference attendees also participated in workshops and discussions. Every evening, there were social activities, such as choir rehearsals – the singing by 50 young people at Vigil and Liturgy was magnificent – folk singing, games including Jeopardy, Uno, and Jenga, and guitar playing. On Sunday, participants explored the capital for a few hours, with an optional photo challenge. The prize went to a group of Australians, who somehow managed to visit every monument in Washington in three hours. Perhaps most memorably, there was a “gingerbread church” competition, during which participants had one hour to produce the most impressive or canonically accurate church possible. After an hour of sticky fingers and competition, participants did indeed create some brilliant houses of prayer.

The last night’s talent show was a night of laughter. The judges were a show all in themselves, a hysterical little drama of Aussie sass, Russian babushka senility, and American attitude. The crowning and winning place went to seminarian George Luimes and Seraphim Teler for their variation of the "Twelve Days of Christmas" in Orthodox style.

On Tuesday, the participants set off in various directions. A little dazed, a little exhausted, but happier and spiritually stronger, everybody went home, wanting just one more thing: another conference sooner rather than later.

Elizabeth Ivanov


The miraculous Icon of The Mother of God the "Softener of Evil Hearts" or "Seven Arrows"


Saturday, December 3rd - 3:30pm    - Greeting of the icon and Akathist

Saturday, December 3rd - at 5:00pm - Vigil

Sunday,   December 4th  - at 9:30am - Divine Liturgy

Click here to download more information



First Annual Labor Day Young Singers’ Conference - 23/08/2016

The PaTRAM Institute will sponsor its first Labor Day Young Singers’ Conference to be held Labor Day weekend at Holy Trinity Monastery andSeminary located in Jordanville, NY. The purpose of PaTRAM’s conferences is to offer young Orthodox singers and musicians, ages 15 - 40, an opportunity to strengthen their musical skills and deepen their connection to the Orthodox Faith. 


Under the direction of Dr. Peter Jermihov, Katya Lukianova, Dr. Irina Riazanova, Fr. Ephraim Willmarth, participants are given the opportunity to receive hands-on instruction, attend rehearsals and sing the All-Night Vigil and Hierarchal Divine Liturgy in a monastery setting.


Limited scholarships for full tuition costs are available, airfare and travel expenses to NY excluded.
Tuition fees cover: Course material and instruction, double-occupancy lodging, meals, weekend transportation, and excursions. 


Register online or Inquire Sanya Lukianov for scholarship details,

Registration Closes Friday August 26th, 2016 


Holy Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God - 16/06/2016

Holy Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God will be visiting St Nicholas parish in Montreal August 26th & 28th.

Friday, August 26 at 06:30pm- Akathist - (Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral)

Saturday, August 27 at 09:00am- Divine Liturgy - (Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral)
Saturday, August 27 at 05:30pm- All-Night-Vigil - (Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral)
Sunday, August 28 at 09:30am - Divine Liturgy  - (Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral)



of the St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral’s Sisterhood

at 422 St-Joseph Blvd West, OUTREMONT

Saturday June 25th, 2016

From 10:00AM to 02:00PM

Russian specialties, baked goods , dishware, books, knick-knacks, and many more treasures.

For more information, please contact:
Mat. Nina :514-725-0060
Mat. Sasha: 514-421-2473

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND - MAY 23- JUNE 11, 2016 - 17/02/2016

A pilgrimage to the Holy Land has always been, is and will be the greatest dream for every Orthodox Christian. To be able to venerate sites blessed by the presence of the Saviour, Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, His Most Pure Mother, and the Holy Spirit Which descended on Pentecost, is an honour and a gift from God.
The forth pilgrimage to the Holy Land for parishioners of the Canadian Diocese will take place from

MAY 23 - JUNE 11, 2016
The Canadian Pilgrimage will be led by our own Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada.
At this time our pilgrimage will include the holy places of the Constantinople (Istanbul) from 24th to 27th of May. The group will fly non-stop Toronto to Istanbul on Turkish Airlines (We will return to Toronto from Tel Aviv). Connecting flights from New York, Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary and other cities are being arranged.
The group’s itinerary for the Holy Land is being planned by the nuns of the Gethsemane Convent, who have been organizing such visits for North American pilgrims for many years. Participants will stay at the Mount of Olives Hotel, which is near the Convents of the Mount of Olives and Gethsemane.
- Airfare from Toronto to Istanbul and from Tel Aviv to Toronto
- Ground transportation throughout the Holy Land and
- All scheduled visits to holy sites and services, accommodation and meals
Parishioners interested in joining the pilgrimage are asked to contact Peter Antonoff (410–2855 Bloor St. W., Toronto Ontario, M8X 3A1).  Mobile - 416-407-1102  E-mail:  Please mail your deposit cheques for US $500 payable to the Montreal and Canadian Diocese to Peter Antonoff’s address (410–2855 Bloor St. W., Toronto Ontario, M8X 3A1)

Albany, NY: Nativity of the Mother of God Parish hosts Annual St. Herman Youth Conference - 10/02/2016

During the last days of December, over 120 young people of the Russian Church Abroad gathered in Albany, the capital of New York State, at the parish of the Nativity of the Mother of God for the annual St. Herman Youth Conference. The conference has been held annually since the 1970s, and is arguably the most important youth activity of the Church Abroad. Each year sees its own remarkable highlights, and this year was no less successful.

Our parish here in Montreal supported six of our youth who all came back with warm, wonderful memories and a desire to attend next year’s conference. For this opportunity we thank all of our parishioner’s for their generous support.

Two speakers enlivened the conference with interesting talks followed by lively discussions. Priest John Whiteford delivered a lecture entitled "Answering Atheists," which outlined many of the arguments and points of debate often encountered by young people in educational institutions. Dr. Nadezhda Sexton spoke about how our psychological needs are met in various addictive misdirections in life. Her talk was entitled "Grant Me a Pure Vision."

The divine services were incredibly beautiful and led by His Eminence Gabriel, Archbishop of Montreal & Canada, Director of the St. Herman Executive Committee, and His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Manhattan. Serving were sixteen priests from America, Canada, and Russia, six protodeacons, and many altar servers. The youth choir added to the beauty of the services under the direction of Protodeacon Serge Arlievsky, assisted by youth representatives.

On the first day of the conference, all of the participants traveled on a pilgrimage to Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY where they are greeted by Archimandrite Luke (Murianka), abbot of the monastery. After a day of lectures, workshops, and tours, the youth joined in a bonfire beyond the chapel of Ven. John of Rila near the monastery ponds.

After the spiritually rewarding observance of the feast of Ven. Herman of Alaska, the patron saint of all the Americas, the clergy, parishioners, and conference participants attended a banquet in the church hall. After the festivities, there was laser tag for everyone on the church property. In the evening, after a Chinese Buffet, the annual talent show was well received and a joy for everyone. All of the participants enjoyed each other’s company for the rest of the evening and departed for their homes on Saturday morning.

It was announced that the 2017 St. Herman’s Conference will be hosted by the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Washington, DC. We look forward to another wonderful year of preparation and anticipate a tremendous attendance in the nation’s capital in a year’s time.

Please click here to view photos from the conference in Albany

Rising from the ashes with patience and faith. October 4, 2015 - 10/09/2015

Thanksgiving Service – On the occasion of completion of wall restoration, new roof and landscaping.

Sunday, October 4, 2015 at 12:30pm (Divine Liturgy at 10:00am)

The outdoor service will be followed by a reception in the parish hall.

Click here for press release

The parish bookstore will be closed on the following dates: - 24/07/2015

July 5, July 19 and July 26.


Theology and Spirituality of Icons - 24/07/2015

Icons are one of the most distinctive features of Orthodoxy Christianity. Icons are described as a “theology in colour,”
a “window to the infinite,” an “image of the Kingdom.” From the earliest times Christians sought to complement the spoken
and written proclamation of the Gospel by means of images. For this purpose they initially adopted certain forms of Greco-Roman art, which soon evolved into a distinctive sacred art governed by its own rules, traditions and theology. Icons are an integral aspect of Orthodox personal prayer and the Orthodox liturgy.
This fall in Montreal a course will be offered as part of the Orthodox theology programme offered by the Montreal Instititute
of Orthodox Theology and the Université Laval (previously under the Université de Sherbrooke). There are no prerequisites and it is not necessary to intend to follow the entire certificate programme to take the course. The instruction will be in English.
For more information please contact:  (Or you may inquire directly via Fr George Lagodich or Alexander Schelechoff)

Click here to view brochure

Dr Paul Ladouceur
Faculty of Divinity, Trinity College,
University of Toronto.
Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses,
Université Laval.


The Sisterhood is now accepting your donations for the annual bazaar.  (Please no clothing for this bazaar)

We are asking our parish bakers for donations in baked goods or jams-preserves

For more information, please contact:
Mat. Nina :514-725-0060
Mat. Sasha: 514-421-2473

TOUR DE L’ILE DE MONTREAL - Sunday May 31, 2015 - 19/05/2015

ATTENTION ! Vérifiez la cartes pour les rues fermées- check map for closed streets !

Christ is Risen! - 27/04/2015

Many thanks to all the men who helped serve at the Sisterhood Feast Day!
Until we meet again next year.

Children's Choir - Trinity Nightingales - April 26th, 2015 - 02/04/2015

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Toronto

 Children's Choir   “Trinity Nightingales” April 26, 2015

St. Nicholas Cathedral
422 St. Joseph Blvd. West
Montreal, QC H2V 2P5

Artistic director
Maria Bahvalova

Leah Entel

St. Herman Youth Conference 2014 - 01/04/2015

St. Herman Youth Conference 2014
The annual St. Herman Youth Conference will take place December 23-27, 2014 with the blessings of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. Hosting parish this year will be Holy Trinity Cathedral in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Youth between the ages of 16 and young adult may participate. Noted hierarchs and clergy of the Russian Church Abroad will lead discussions and be present for questions and social activities.
The registration fee of $300.00 includes all lectures, activities, meals and lodging (quad occupancy). Transportation will be provided from the hotel to all activities and services in the church.
If you register before the deadline, a $25.00 discount will be applied. The deadline for registration will be December 3.
Please register early as space is limited. The registration deadline is December 3, 2014. You may register online and any questions may be directed to the conference organizers on the contacts page.

The Holy Kursk Root Icon of The Mother of God will be present throughout the conference this year.

Click here to view brochure

Click here to view video

Click here to view report on the 2013 ConferenceWebsite:
More information can also be obtained by speaking directly with either Archbishop Gabriel or Father George Lagodich here in our parish.   Depending on how many of our youth register to attend we may be able to organize transportation from Montreal directly to the conference facilities in Toronto, Ontario Canada.  

Friday April 3rd 6:30 pm – Mystery of Holy Unction. - 26/03/2015

The sacrament of Holy Unction provides both physical and spiritual healing through the Grace of the the Holy Spirit. The holy oil carries God’s Grace both to renew the body and cleanse the spirit and the mystery is based upon the Apostolic tradition mentioned in the New Testament. The service is composed of psalms, hymns of supplication, prayers to the saints, seven readings from the Gospels preceded by seven New Testament writings and followed by a prayer on behalf
of the penitent. At the end of the service, the holy oil is applied to the forehead, eyes, ears, nostrils, lips, chest and hands
of parishioners.

SAVE THE DATE! Mark it in on your calendar! - 16/01/2015

A great reason to get together and have a good time!
Delicious blini meal, good company, music and singing!
Interesting lottery prizes

You can RESERVE your table for you and your friends!
Mat. Nina Tel- 514-725-0060
Mat. Alexandra Tel-514-421-2473

Blessing of the Waters - 12/01/2015

Rawdon Parish - Mother of God of Kazan - Sunday January 25, 2015
Confession 9:30
Divine Liturgy - 10:00am
Blessing of the Waters on Lake Pontbriand immediately after Divine Liturgy 

St. Herman Youth Conference 2014-Update - 12/01/2015

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20)

Truly our Lord blessed the last St. Herman of Alaska youth conference held from the 23rd through the 26th of December 2014 at the Holy Trinity cathedral in Toronto (Canada). Four days of non-stop inspired fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ went by as one moment. The conference brought together young people from the western (California & Alberta) to the eastern (Halifax & Florida) shores of North America. For some this was a first experience with orthodox conferences, while for others it was an annual event, awaited with much anticipation from the year before.

The conference participants stayed at the comfortable Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel, where in the warm atmosphere of friendly fellowship the first meeting of young people took place. Formally, the conference began on 24 December with morning prayers and tasty breakfast. Then, the youth participated in workshops, where important orthodox subjects were discussed with members of the clergy. In the evening, His Eminence, Gabriel, archbishop of Montreal and Canada, led the faithful in the celebration of the vigil, to which the wonderworking icon of the Kursk-Root Mother of God “of the Sign” was brought by bishop Nicholas of Manhattan. Next day, both hierarchs served the Divine Liturgy in honor of St. Herman of Alaska. Talented Youth choir members made the service quite beautiful with their mellifluous singing.
Archimandrite Luke, abbot of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY, delivered the main presentation of the conference about the reburial of the remains of bishop Constantine (Essensky). The final day ended with a beautiful banquet arranged and served by the Holy Trinity parish sisterhood, followed by the traditional talent show.

Bidding their farewells, the participants exchanged their contact information so that via social networks they can stay in touch until the next conference, which — God willing — will be held in 2015 in Lakewood, NJ.

Tatiana Masterova

Sunday, Janary 11, 2015 - 02/01/2015


St Nicholas Parish Feastday Concludes - 23/12/2014

On the 19th and 21st of December our St. Nicholas parish celebrated its Feast Day.

 The Divine Liturgy was presided over by the parish rector, Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada, who was joined by the clergy of the cathedral and visiting Archdeacon Vasiliy Milonow from Ottawa.

During the reading of the Hours, His Grace elevated Anatoly Crepostnoi to the rank of sub-deacon.

Archbishop Gabriel in his sermon spoke of the life and deeds of St. Nicholas, noting how the veneration of the Saint of Myra is widespread throughout the Christian world.   "So why this attachment of Christians to St. Nicholas?   It stems from the fact that he is always close to us and that he hears our prayers.   Today he shares in our celebration and having been blessed in God’s heavenly abode, he calls upon us to imitate him just as he himself imitated Christ.” At the end of his sermon, Archbishop Gabriel called all to pray to St. Nicholas for all of life’s necessities: “Since St. Nicholas is the patron saint of all travelers, it would be good to memorize the troparion to the saint and to recite it every time we travel, be it by plane, by automobile, or by subway.”

At the end of the Liturgy, Many Years were proclaimed to His Holiness Kyrill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, to the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Metropolitan Hilarion, to His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada, to the cathedral clergy, to the parishioners, and to all those who were celebrating their Name Day.

Completing the celebration of the patronal feast was a festive meal in the parish hall. During the meal Mr. Peter Paganuzzi, a long standing and active parishioner, gave a presentation marking the fifty years since the purchase of the present building. He recounted some happy as well as tragic events from the history of the parish (including the devastating fire), and gave an account of the restoration of the building.

The guests were treated to musical performances by the children of parishioners and students of our parish school, congratulating everyone on this festive day.

On December 19th the Holy Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of St. Nicholas - 16/12/2014

  There is really not all that much written about Saint Nicholas as he himself did not write anything. Nevertheless, this saint is known throughout the world as the Saint of God. His life was so full of great faith and good works, that he is known and praised not only by Orthodox believers, but also by Catholics, Protestants, and even Buddhists!                                                       
    Why is this so? It is because while even during his earthly life he continuously sought to help people. He stopped the poor father, who in desperation wanted to give his daughters away into bad marriages for the sake of money, and in so doing saved the family from the grave sin of fornication. He stilled a storm at sea and did not let the ship sink when the people on board cried out to Him, to St. Nicholas. Those who came to him included innocently convicted magistrates, and St. Nicholas saved them by appearing in a dream to the emperor. At the first Ecumenical Council out of zeal for God with great boldness, he struck the heretic Arius on the cheek, for which other bishops suspended him and removed his bishop’s Omophorion and took away his Holy Gospel. The same night, all the bishops who were at the council had the same dream where the Lord and the Mother of God handed to St. Nicholas the Holy Gospel and his omophorion as evidence that the Lord Himself was not angry with Saint Nicholas. There is not a house of believers where one will not find an icon of St. Nicholas. To him seek help students to pass exams, patients before surgery - and he manages to help everybody. This Friday, the 19th of December our parish celebrates its feast day the importance of which is that of a second Pascha. According to our local tradition, and with the blessing of our Archpastor and rector Archbishop Gabriel, the feast day will be celebrated on the day and will then continue through to Sunday the 21st of December concluding with a festive meal in our parish hall right after The Divine Liturgy. We kindly invite everyone to share together with us this joy of celebrating St Nicholas day and truly look forward to seeing everybody during these upcoming days.

Bake Sale - Sunday December 23, 2014 - 14/11/2014


From 12:20 to 2:30

Organized by the Sisterhood of the Cathedral
Proceeds of sales go towards the Rebuilding of the Cathedral

Marathon de Montréal – 28 septembre 2014 - 13/09/2014

ATTENTION ! Vérifiez la cartes pour les rues fermées- check map for closed streets !


Due to the major repairs at the cathedral, the Sisterhood's annual bazaar on September 20 and 

the Church Family BBQ on September 21 are 


Tour De L'Ile 2014 Street Closures - 29/05/2014

Please Note: June 1st Tour de L’Ile.  Many of the roads leading to the church will be blocked from 8:00am in the morning until the afternoon.  You should check the Tour de L’Ile website for more details.

Click here to view list of street closures

St Hermans Youth Conference 2013 - Sucessfully Completes - 31/12/2013

Please read the conference review as published on the Eastern Diocese Website.

Click here to view photos

December 30, 2013
St. Herman’s Youth Conference: Arming our Youth for Spiritual Battle
In today’s day and age, when evil forces vigorously wage war against the fundamentals of Christianity by giving people false hope through materialism and secularism, the most vulnerable victims of this warfare are the youth. Television programs and social networks bombard young people with images of celebrities and politicians, who proudly live immoral lives and preach messages that go against all of the teachings of the Holy Church. But despite all of these horrors, there are still those among the youth who try not to succumb to the temptations of this world, and for this reason the Russian Church Abroad hosts the annual St. Herman’s Youth Conference during the traditional winter recess during the Gregorian Calendar feast of the Nativity of our Lord. On December 22-26, a group of approximately 75 high school- and college-aged Orthodox Christians gathered in Long Island to continue this tradition.
"Our society is departing further and further from its Christian underpinnings in the face of forces which are, if not outright anti-Church, at the very least unhelpful," said Priest Viatcheslav Davidenko (cleric of Holy Trinity Church in Toronto, Canada). "Here the youth can fortify their faith and receive a dose of immunity."
For over thirty years, youth have been gathering together in spiritual retreat every December to glorify the memory of the first Orthodox missionary to America – St. Herman of Alaska, whose memory is celebrated on December 25th. The St. Herman’s Youth Conferences have usually been organized in various parishes throughout the Eastern American and Canadian Dioceses until recently, when the Mid-American and Western American Dioceses began hosting similar conferences in an effort to attract more young people. This year, the Eastern St. Herman’s Conference was jointly hosted by St. Seraphim Memorial Church in Sea Cliff, NY and Holy Virgin Intercession Church in Glen Cove, NY.
This 2013 conference program included lectures by world-renowned homilist and spiritual author Archpriest Andrei Tkachev (rector of St. Luke of Crimea Church in Kiev, Ukraine) and Archpriest Anastasy Yatrelis (rector of Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church in Summerville, SC), various workshops, question and answer sessions, social activities like caroling and a talent show and, of course, the divine services for the feast of St. Herman.
"The goal of these conferences is to give the youth an opportunity to spend their winter break together, instead of attending other functions and parties," said Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal & Canada, who led the conference. "We want to give them something spiritual through lectures, question and answer periods, and workshops, during which they are able to express themselves and ask questions of the clergy."
This type of interaction between young people and the clergy is perhaps one of the most important aspects of these conferences. Approximately ten clerics from the Eastern American and Canadian Dioceses took time off from their busy schedules to participate in the conference as speakers, confessors, and simply friends to the youth. "They not only run the official parts of the conference, but try to talk to us on everyday topics. You get the impression that there’s nothing off-limits," said Vladimir Soukharev from Toronto.
During the meals and between lectures, the clergy would mingle with the youth and even share in edifying jokes with them. "Jokes often allow for more open discussion," explained Soukharev. "They try to support our jokes and we support theirs, and when we do this, we create an atmosphere of absolutely non-formal interaction."
While it may seem strange that clerics would joke around with the youth, this type of interaction ultimately leads to something more: "We joke together today and the youth get that, ‘Yes, I can approach him,’ and tomorrow, they’ll approach batushka with more serious life problems."
Archpriest George Lagodich from Montreal is one of the clerics who participated in the conference, and believes that spending time with the youth benefits him just as much as it does them. "When you are able to influence a young person’s life in a way that allows them to grow up and live a normal life in today’s crazy world, it gives you a feeling of satisfaction that you just cannot put into words. It goes beyond being a pastor – it’s the opportunity to do something for someone else."
With no formal boundaries between the clergy and youth, one might expect that the workshops would be mundane, but this was certainly not the case at this year’s conference. "The topics are relevant to what you’re going through and the discussions are certainly not boring – they make sense," explained Xenia Jarostchuk from Boston.
Conference participants were given an opportunity to submit questions on pieces of paper, which were distributed to the clergy who had set time limits during which they could offer answers. In the words of Soukharev, the answers were phenomenal: "I thought that answers would be limited to ‘Yes or No,’ but they had allotted time, say three minutes, and this was often not enough to accommodate their entire answers." While the questions ranged from liturgical to practical issues, the main emphasis was on living a healthy spiritual life in today’s world. "We live in a world where people are always trying to find their ‘inner peace’ and find what ‘makes them happy,’ but here we have a chance to get answers to these questions from an Orthodox perspective and they make so much sense," said Jarostchuk.
While many of their peers are vacationing on the beach or at ski resorts, the participants of St. Herman’s Conference chose to spend their winter break in a spiritual environment. To the average American college student, this would seem rather strange and even uncool. So what is it about these conferences that young people find so attractive? "This is my sixth year going to one of these conferences and it is absolutely cool to go to St. Herman’s," said Jarostchuk. Soukharev explained, "You can just relax at the beach, but here we can better understand ourselves and get acquainted with other young people. This is something you can’t miss."
Xenia Jarostchuk admitted that, when she first started coming to St. Herman’s Conference, it was because she wanted to be with her friends and not because she was particularly concerned with its spiritual benefits. "But then I found out how nice it was to meet with people from all over the world who had similar interests, and we started to bond on a spiritual and social level." When asked to give an example of these shared interests, she spoke about the awkward moment when her peers invited her to a party on a Saturday night. "It’s hard to justify how I want to live a normal college life, but at the same time, I know that I have to go to church. It’s hard to discuss things like that with people who are not Orthodox. But when you come here, you can have discussions with people who know what it’s like to be an American 20-year-old, but at the same time be an Orthodox Christian." Fr. George echoed these remarks, saying, "These conferences offer something that the rest of the world cannot give our youth – the ability to make Orthodox friends. They show me that there is hope for our youth in this world."
St. Herman’s Conference not only restores hope for the youth, but also for older generations, who are counting on them to one day lead the Church. "Young people are our future. This is not some tired cliché; these are truly the people who, God willing, will one day bid us our final farewell. And we would like them to do so according to all the traditions of our Orthodox Faith," said Fr. Viatcheslav. Archbishop Gabriel explained succinctly when he said, "If we don’t care for the youth of our Church, we won’t have a future."
The key to a bright future for the Church is promoting healthy marriages between Orthodox men and women, so that their children can be raised under the auspices of the Church. St. Herman’s Conference not only provides the youth with access to clergy, but also allows them to meet potential spouses. In his capacity as a mentor to the youth, Archbishop Gabriel recalled the opening remarks of Metropolitan Vitaly at the 1988 St. Herman’s Conference, when he said, "There are 200 of you here today and that means that we want to see 100 marriages within the next five or ten years." Xenia Jarostchuk confirmed that the potential for finding a future spouse is indeed one of the reasons why so many young people attend these conferences – "It’s always a running joke – who is going to be the next couple that will get married?"
Performing an Archpastoral visit to the Australian Diocese, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, was not able to personally attend the Conference, but sent a greeting to the youth, in which he, too, called upon them to seriously think about their futures, even if their plans do not include marriage. "As the future of our Church, we hope that with God’s help many of you will become priests, deacons, matushkas, choir directors, parish school teachers and perhaps even monastics. But these high callings begin in the heart of every one of us, and we are duty-bound to conscientiously take full advantage of every opportunity we are offered for this purpose."
Of all of the different spiritual opportunities which were offered to the youth, the greatest was the ability to unite around the Holy Eucharist. During the All-Night Vigil on December 24th in Holy Virgin Intercession Church, Conference participants were able to confess their sins and subsequently receive Holy Communion at the Divine Liturgy in St. Seraphim Memorial Church the following day. This was the culmination of the four-day Conference, during which the clergy gradually guided the youth toward the Holy Chalice. It is important to note that they were not forced to confess their sins, but rather were encouraged. Fr. George believes that this is approach is the main reason that almost all of the youth received Communion. "When I was younger, I remember people telling me that I had to go to Communion, and so I went because I was told. But as I got older, I started to realize that Holy Communion does something for a person – it changes them. My approach is to try and give the kids hope and to tell them that things will be okay. I try to find the positive in everything, and not just the typical negatives."
In their final moments before Communion, the youth were addressed by Fr. Andrei Tkachev, who gave a sermon about the importance of partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ. He explained to them the significance of Communion as the only way of redeeming ourselves from sin, beginning with the first sin of Adam. "Communion is the medicine of immortality. Having sinned through food, through the forbidden fruit, we cannot be saved by any other means than by another food – the blessed fruit. But where is this fruit? It is the blessed fruit of the Virgin Mary’s womb, which through the wood of the Cross became for us the food of immortality.  I will share with you three thoughts, which you can have during Communion. If you yourself are communing, then of course you ask, ‘O Lord, be this not unto me for judgment or condemnation.’ But if you are not communing today, you can pray for those who are, and ask that God give them such a Communion, as might heal their souls and fortify their faith. You can also pray for yourself, if you are not communing today, and say, ‘O Lord, how sorrowful it is that I am not approaching You today. Some sin, some sorrow, some care has come between You and me, and I stand with a closed mouth before this Chalice. But, O Lord, I pray You, make it so that I might commune once more without delay and taste of Your divine sweetness.’ But the third thought is the best ‒ you can pray, ‘O Lord, make it so that those who have never communed before might come and commune today.’ There are millions of such people. If you know how good the Lord is and how sweet it is with Him, then you must sorrow for those who do not know it. Let this be your practice – thinking of those who still do not know the Lord!"
With so many temptations facing today’s youth, the clergy and organizers of the St. Herman’s Conferences are constantly trying to find new ways of applying the ancient Faith to modern-day Orthodox Christians. This year’s conference was yet another example of the effectiveness of this type of approach. The youth were able to immerse themselves in a spiritual world where they were not scolded or lectured on the fundamentals of Orthodoxy, but rather were gently guided toward the Light of Christ, Who truly illumines all humanity.
Reader Peter Lukianov
Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese


To all parishioners who are interested in joining the church choir or in participating in reading during services, please note that, beginning this week, and thru end of November, at 19h30 immediately following the akathist service  (which alternates between Wednesday and Thursday evening), there will be rehearsals and reading lessons specifically for new singers.  If you are not sure, come and try out.  For further information, you can contact members of the clergy.  Or you can email the choir director at

Please see our Choir Section on website by clicking here

Thank you in advance.

Following Events! - 16/09/2013

From September 19 to 22, The miraculous icon of the Mother of God

the “Softener of Evil Hearts” or ‘’Seven Arrows’’

The itinerary of the visit of the holy and miraculous icon of the Mother of God 'Softener of evil hearts or seven arrows' has changed. Please consult the included document  to see the changes made ​​to the schedule.

 Click here to view

Marathon de Montréal – 22 septembre

ATTENTION ! check map for closed streets 

September 22, 2013

After Divine Liturgy- Annual General Assembly of the Sisterhood  

September 28 from 10:AM to 02:00PM- SISTERHOOD’S ANNUAL BAZAR 

Sunday, September 29, Church Family B.B.Q. After Divine Liturgy   

Rawdon Parish 50 Year Anniversary Feastday - July 21st, 2013 - 04/07/2013

Rawdon Parish Feastday - July 21st

Episcopal Divine Liturgy 10:00am

Festal Banquet immediately following divine liturgy

Click here to view brochure

Ballroom Dancing! - 28/05/2013

In the program: Viennese waltz, slow waltz, polonaise, kadrill, and others ...

Lessons are on Fridays from
7 to 8 pm in the large parish hall downstairs
Beginning of Spring session on Friday May 24th
For information contact Ludmila at 514-236-2908
Click here to download brochure

Saturday Night Vigil start hour changed - 24/05/2013

Please note that beginning June 1st, 2013 Saturday evening Vigil services will begin at 5:30PM

March 10th Following Divine Liturgy - Traditional Blinis Luncheon - 26/02/2013

St Nicholas Cathedral Parish Hall

Traditional Blinis Luncheon
Includes: Appetizers & Champagne Reception
Blini-Dinner, Dessert, Coffee & Tea
Blini-smoked salmon, sour cream, caviar w/eggs,
herring, bullion and other traditional goodies!!!
Live Music-Entertainment-Festive setting

Click here to view flyer

50 Year Anniversary - 09/01/2013

The Russian Orthodox Parish of Our Lady of Kazan
3836, rue Sunshine, Rawdon, Québec J0K 1S0


Please click here to view 2013 Calendar of Activities

Christmas Pageant! - 31/12/2012

13 января / 13 January / 13 janvier

Memorial Concert - 31/12/2012


Boul. Laurier and Bloomfield, Outremont,
Metro Laurier
M. Woinowsky-Krieger, mus. dir.
Tickets: $ 20.00 (George M. Sayig Music Memorial Fund)
Information: maria.ignatow @

Click here for Concert Poster


Sunday, December 9, 2012 AT 2 PM
The Russian Orthodox Parish of St Nicholas expresses its thanks to the parish of St - Viateur for their generosity and accommodation following the devastating fire of 1998 which destroyed the St Nicholas Cathedral.
Mr. Woinowsky-Krieger, musical director
 Sunday, December 9, 2012 AT 2 PM
Église Saint-Viateur
Boul. Laurier and Bloomfield
Outremont, Metro Laurier

Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) - McGill University - 18/10/2012

Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the official collegiate campus ministry program under  the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas.  Our mission is to support fellowships on college campuses, whose members experience and witness to the Orthodox Christian Church through community life, prayer, service to others and study of the Faith.

At the McGill chapter of OCF, we host weekly discussions with our two beloved priests, Father Jean and Father Ihor who donate their time to guide us through the school year. In addition, we hold many fellowship events such as potlucks and move nights, as well as annual monastery trips and outreach events such as guest speaker discussions. Absolutely anyone is more than welcome to join and we hope to see you soon!

We meet on Thursdays at 6pm in the Claude Ryan Library of the Newman Centre at McGill - 3484 Peel St. Montreal.

Ballroom Dancing! - 10/10/2012

Classic Ballroom Dancing Courses
A course on ballroom dancing will be given at our Cathedral, on Fridays from 7 to 8:30 PM, for all ages from 18 to 80, for those who already know how to dance and those who would like to learn how to dance, those who want to acquire a light step, develop their musical ear, meet new people, or simply fill up on a good mood for the weekend.
On the program are the Viennese waltz, the slow waltz, and others… as well, by request of the parishioners who would like to revive the old Russian tradition of the Grand Balls, the characteristic ballroom dances – Polonaise, Polka, and others.
The first informative and demonstrative lesson will be given this week, October 12 at 7 PM in the church hall.
The session consists of 10 lessons, from October 12 to December 21.
For information contact Ludmila Krieger. Telephone 514-236-2908.

Benefit Concert Montreal Oct 11, 2012 - 29/09/2012

Benefit Concert
for the Russian Orthodox Cathedrals - Saints Peter & Paul and Saint Nicholas

The Iverskyi Monastery Male Choir
from Odessa, Ukraine
on Thursday, October 11, 2012
Église Saint-Léon de Westmount
4300, boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest
Montréal, Québec H3L 1L1
Metro stop: Atwater
Click here to view poster

Choir for Children! - 10/09/2012

The Russian Orthodox Choir for Children opens its doors to children 9 years and older for the 2012-2013 season.
Practices will be held Saturday, 2 times a month at 03:00pm at 422, boul. St. Joseph West (Russian Orthodox Cathedral Saint-Nicolas). FREE.
For more information, please contact :; 514-369-9095


ATTENTION! On September 9, some streets around the cathedral will be closed. Please check the site below.


Sisterhood Annual Bazaar - 17/08/2012

September 15th from 10:00am to 3:00pm
Parish Sisterhood Annual Bazaar

School Start! - 17/08/2012

September 22nd - Beginning of the Parish School Year.
Information: 514 279-8350

Parish BBQ - 04/08/2012

Sunday September 23, 2012 -  Annual Parish BBQ

immediately following the Divine Liturgy.  All are invited to this annual event to welcome in the Autumn season.
For photos of prior year BBQ events please visit our website photo gallery.

Schedule Change - 24/07/2012

Schedule Change: St Vladimir Service on Friday 6:30pm and Saturday morning at St Nicholas 9:00am, Lachine at 10:00am

Musicians Conference in Toronto! - 21/06/2012

The 22nd Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians Conference – Oct 3-7, 2012
This year this conference will be held from Oct 3 to 7th at our Holy Trinity Parish in Toronto.
For more information please visit the website below.
Click here to access website

Rawdon Parish Feastday - 13/06/2012

Rawdon Parish Feastday:  Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. 

This year Sunday July 22nd, 2012.
Greeting of His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel - 9:30AM
Divine Liturgy - 10:00AM
The parish invites all those present to a Festal Banquet which will be held immediately after the divine services.

IMPORTANT - JUNE 3rd DAY of PENTECOST - 28/05/2012

DIVINE LITURGY to BEGIN at 8:30am on Sunday, June3rd – Day of Pentecost.

Cemetery Visits by Cathedral Clergy 2012 - 23/05/2012

Saturday, June 2nd:
    Lachine Cemetery  12:00
    Mt Royal Cemetery-After Liturgy, approximately 11:30am onwards
Sunday, June 3rd:
    Mt Royal Cemetery – After Liturgy, approximately 1:00pm onwards.

Tour De L'Ile 2012 Street Closures - 23/05/2012

Please Note: June 3rd Tour de L’Ile.  Many of the roads around the church will be blocked from 8:00am in the morning until the afternoon.  You should check the Tour de L’Ile website for more details.
Click here to view list of street closures
Click here to download map

Parish Kiosk Easter Items - 01/04/2012

Parish Kiosk Has a selection of Easter Items Available

Sunday March 18th, 2012 - Annual Parish General Assembly - 10/03/2012

With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada
the Annual Parish General Assembly will take place on
Sunday, March 18th, 2012 after the Divine Liturgy

Sunday March 25th at 2:00PM Great Lenten Concert at St Nicholas Parish - 10/03/2012

Sunday April 1st - General Clean up of the church in preparation for Easter - 26/02/2012

On Sunday April 1st after the Divine Liturgy - General Clean up of the Church in preparation for Easter

Parish Congratulates Archbishop Gabriel with his Names Day - 05/02/2012

Visit of Hawaii Myrrh Streaming Icon of Mother of God - December 22nd, 2011 - 21/12/2011

Parish Feastday - St. Nicholas December 19th, 2011 - 18/12/2011

Parish BBQ September 2011 - 01/09/2011

Children's Nativity Pageant January 9th, 2011 - 08/01/2011


Saturday, September 28 from 10:AM to 02:00PM- SISTERHOOD’S FALL BAZAAR  

Reminder commemoration Great Lent

Those who wish to have their departed ones commemorated during Great Lent, please see the churchwarden.

Pascha 2024



Pascha 2024 – Sisterhood Kulichi and Cheese Pascha!

Dear parishioners!

Order your Kulichi and Cheese Pascha on-line for pickup beginning Palm Sunday, April 28, 2024.

The Cathedral Sisterhood bakes Kulichi and Cheese Pascha using a traditional Russian Imperial recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation.  The recipe dictates using only the finest ingredients and includes lots of butter and eggs for a very rich and satisfying offering.

Kulichi and Cheese Pascha will be made available in 500 g size and will be frozen to preserve freshness.

Please indicate the number of Kulichi and/or Cheese Pascha you wish to order.

Please click here to place your order.


Reminder- Commemoration Books

The churchwarden would like to remind everyone that the commemoration books are up for renewal for the year. Please see him for this matter by Sunday, February 25, 2024. For those interested to have their loved ones commemorated for the year, please see the churchwarden at the candle stand for more information.

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